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Gradle Setup

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Kobold uses Kotlin Symbol Processing to generate source code based on interfaces and annotations you use from the Kobold API.

Code is deposited in your project build directory under /build/generated/ksp

It's important that the version of KSP matches your version of Kotlin. You should also add the Serializer plugin here.

Add the KSP Plugin:

plugins { id("") id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization") }

Next, add the required KSP arguments. Setting the project name will be used during code generation.

For example if you have multiple modules "Foo" and "Bar", your AutoRouter class will be named "FooAutoRouter" and "BarAutoRouter" and you can add both to your ktor server.

ksp { ksp { arg("output-dir", project.layout.buildDirectory.get().asFile.absolutePath + "/generated/ksp") arg("project", } }

Finally add the dependencies for Kobold KSP and API:

depencencies { api("io.github.bsautner:kobold-api:kobold_version") ksp("io.github.bsautner:kobold-ksp:kobold_version") }

Try running your build with gradlew clean build --info | grep kobold to see code generation logs.

Last modified: 13 February 2025